Hailing from the vibrant city of Windhoek in Namibia, Proklaim has carved a notable niche in the local hip-hop scene, introducing a distinctive voice that resonates with the rhythmic influences that inspire him. Born in Uganda and having shaped his early years in Zambia, Proklaim infuses his music with a distinctive and international perspective. The artist began learning to write rap and play the guitar simultaneously. He takes inspiration from artists such as the likes of as, Tupac, Jay Z, Lauryn Hill, and Drake. His latest single, “Thieves” which was recorded in Namibia and mixed by Lu Diaz in Florida is a catchy blend of rap and hip-hop. Crafting an extraordinary alternative hip-hop sound, Proklaim delivers a sonic journey adorned with playful guitar plucks that seamlessly usher in his insightful commentary. As the artist echoes the words, "I look around to see the world going crazy," the song erupts into a lively composition, driven by lively guitar flourishes riding a relaxed beat. As another thrilling year comes to an end for this artist, there's no doubt that he will persist in creating ripples within the global hip-hop sphere in 2024 and beyond.
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