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‘Mad In Love’ by Chloe Mayse: A Painstakingly Beautiful Journey From Love To Heartbreak.

Pink, Pink Background, Boy, Girl, Formals, Chloe Mayse
Chloe Mayse

Chloe Mayse is a talented and inspirational singer-songwriter from Toronto, Canada. She took up music at the age of 10, it helped her know herself and her sexuality. ‘Mad In Love’ is about her first serious relationship.

‘Mad In Love’ is an innocent song about true love, where you make a person your sole purpose in life. The music is embellished with thumping drums, passionate guitar, and a mellow piano piece. Mayse’s vocals are raw and earnest, which elevates the meaning of the lyrics. My favourite aspect of this track is the music video. It is a humble music video, but it is very well-directed. It made me emotional in certain scenes where there was a split shown between before and after the heartbreak.

You must give this beautiful track a spin!

Dive into the tune here -


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